Thursday, July 12, 2007

Putting the "Man" in Human Resources

So, as promised, here is a brief re-cap of my adventures at the SHRM conferences two weeks ago.

First of all, I just need to say that Vegas is incredibly hot in July. I'm not kidding, it was like 127 degrees there. As I walked the 30 feet from the door of the hotel to my car - polo shirt clinging to the sheen of sweat that had spontaneously appeared on my back - I realized that the heat is just one more similarity Vegas shares with Hell.

It was a good time though. The wife and kid came with me, so we stayed at the Hughes Center Marriot. I'm not big on the whole cigarette-smoke filled, women-in-their-50's-in-tight-cocktail-waitress-outfits, hordes-of-elderly-folks-and-Asian-tourists-putting-yet-another-nickel-into-a-slot-machine-like-so-many-laboratory-rats-Casino-scene anyway, so Marriot was a nice change.

SHRM does a number of conferences, one of which is a huge annual gathering where people come from all over the world. Last year it was in D.C. and Colin Powell was the opening speaker. This year it was Lance Armstrong.

He was great. Very inspiring. He also jokes openly about only having one testicle.

Here we are at the aforementioned Marriot. Great pic of a gate and the parking garage.

Here's what the inside of the SHRM annual conference looks like. They said there were 22000 people there. I don't know about that, but I do know that probably 4 out of 5 HR professionals are women. That's why the profession is so wimpy.

The conference was held at the Las Vegas Convention Center, which is a beast of an enormous building. I read somewhere that it has around 2 million square-feet of space in it. Which amounts to over 1800 of my house put together.

If your mission was to make themickel cry, Las Vegas Convention Center, mission accomplished.

This is a gargantuan, hyptnotic, multi-colored cone in a corner of the MGM Grand. I think they were trying to reproduce the CPU from the blockbuster movie Tron. For the two of you who have seen Tron.

Other highlights:

  • Great presentations on employee compensation and retention. Basically I learned my job is only going to get harder over the next few years. Much harder. The baby-boomers are retiring and there is a projected worker shortage of 10 million by 2010. Great if you're unemployed, horrible if you're a recruiter.

  • The guy who won American Idol a while back sang at the opening - I think his name's Reuben. I actually don't care enough to Google it and find out. I guess this is pretty big if you're into American Idol.

  • SWAG. More swag than you could shake a stick at. I actually didn't get much this year, not wanting to have to cart it home.

  • We scored three nights at our choice of 4 different quality Vegas hotels for only $150. All we have to do is attend a 2-hour presentation on Marriot Grand-Chateux timeshares. This special is targeted at older, rich couples who have money to burn, so it will be fun to watch their reactions when a not-quite wealthy couple who look like they're 18 walk in.
  • And, as always, company funded meals, travel, and everything else. I don't take advantage of this as much as most people do, but still enjoy it. Great restaurants around the Hughes Center too.

Oh yeah, and if anyone gets that, "If your mission was to make me cry" comment, they get a fabulous prize. Here's a hint: replace 'themickel' with 'Kordos'.


Derek said...

I tried googling the various words, like "Kordos", but no definitive answer.

I wanted you to know that I tried to cheat and win your contest, though.

themickel said...

So I googled the quote in question and it turns out it's 'Serak the Preparer', not 'Kordos'. Which actually should have been 'Kodos' to begin with.

Beau Sorensen said...

It's the quote from the first Treehouse of Horror with How to Cook for 40 Googling!

Let me see, there's still some space dust on there.

themickel said...

Well done, Sorro. That wasn't really fair though, as I botched the comment. Unfortunately no one gets the fantastic prize. We'll do another one soon.