Tuesday, November 29, 2005

It's official...

Two lines means baby.

Just got clearance from the committee to release this: We're prego. Well, really we're not, just my wife is, but it's a teamwork sort of thing you see.

I'm really excited. It's been a little tough as she's not always her usual cheerful self and spends considerable amounts of time praying to the porcelain god. As a guy I want to just make everything better. It's hard to be in a situation where you can't.

It's amazing to look at her and think, 'Wow, right now my wife is making a person. Have I done anything productive today?' I made a little snowman a couple days ago, but it's just not the same...

Our due date will probably be late July or early August, although if we follow recent familial trends we can expect it sometime in April.


Tiecen said...

Yea!!! I'm sooo excited! COngratulations!

Derek said...

Congratulations indeed. I`ll level with you and let you know that I just realized you had a blog all this time. It`s hard to think of all the good times I could have had.

I`ll be in the archives if you need me.

Beau Sorensen said...

Again, congrats!