Tuesday, January 20, 2009

World's Oldest Person Just Died


I saw one of these articles a while back. About a month or two later there was another one. Then maybe a week or so back there was a third.

I can't help but wonder -- is it really newsworthy that the oldest person in the world just died?

I mean, of course the world's oldest person just died. That's what the oldest people in the world tend to do. Once they do there is a new world's oldest person (heretofore referred to as "WOP"). And guess what? He/she is going to die too. Probably pretty soon.

Now don't get me wrong; these peoples' lives are amazing and I enjoy reading about them. But it seems like lazy journalism. A perpetually reoccurring story an editor can plug in every time he needs a filler story.

In the spirit of the WOP articles, here are three other stories they could cover just to mix things up a bit:
  1. World's Youngest Person Just Born
  2. People Are Eating Food Somewhere
  3. After a Brief Absence, The Sun Has Reappeared and Seems to be Traveling in a Westerly Direction


MisterJ said...

That last one sounds familiar. Did that come from Letterman (or some other comedian), or did I just read it in the local paper?

themickel said...

Uhh...I don't know. I hope I made it up.

Sarah Sidwell said...

I love media tidbits like this because it helps me to remember that "Sometimes things like this happen... unless they don't."

Ps- I can see Calvin's underpants- which is funny because they aren't really "pants" at all, are they?

Amy and Richard said...
