Wednesday, January 07, 2009

'Blog more' isn't one of my new year's resolutions

Ok, I think that last post helped me break through my posting-aversion barrier; that unseen, impenetrable wall of ennui that seems to form when you haven't written for a while.

Things are going well. Baby #2 is healthy, happy, and almost sleeping through the night already. She's also extremely mellow, feeds well, and cries little. All signs so far point to her being the perfect baby, which I take as a sign that we've reached our zenith as parents and can only go downhill by further procreating.

Christmas break was fun. Part of me is glad to be back at work though. I suppose this is largely due to knowing that the probability of me having to change a diaper at a moment's notice here is minimal. Not gone entirely, mind you, but minimal.

Speaking of work, here is a scan of my most recent meeting notes. You can click on it for the full effect.

I am especially pleased with my tofu Homestar Runner, the Ute logo, and the elder's quorum moment at the bottom. I am also pleased that I have found a productive way to spend meetings.
That's it for now. It's good to be back.


Anonymous said...

I am very impressed. Love the elder's quorum moment. Unfortunately there are BYU people that actually believe that.

Michael 聖 Brady said...

are batman's eyes connected beneath the cowl?

Derek said...

That is the Kenster, right?

Great notes. You and Sorro should somehow arrange a combined meeting of his and your offices, perhaps under the false pretense of them getting a big insurance policy or something.

MisterJ said...

Your notes are far more entertaining than mine.