Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

I realized something as I was waiting in line with 7 other guys at the flower store today: Women have effectively hijacked Valentine's Day.

Think about it. Valentine's Day is supposed to be the day you show the person you love that you care for them. It's a mutual thing-both genders showing appreciation towards the other. Then how come it's mostly men buying presents for women? I mean, if a man doesn't get something for his wife/girlfriend for Valentine's Day, he's an insensitive jerk. But if a woman doesn't get something for her hubby/ what, she's not supposed to. You don't see sporting goods or electronics stores bringing on extra staff because they're swamped by female present-buyers on Valentine's Day.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about this--I like doing romantic stuff for my wife and she's great at equal opportunity appreciation showing. I'm just pointing out an interesting double standard our society has regarding the genders, of which there are many.

And honestly, I'll take having to be in charge of Valentine's Day over getting paid less money for doing the same job anyday.

Happy Valentine's Day.


Beau Sorensen said...

The reason men don't get presents on Valentine's Day is because those presents are usually bedroom presents. There's no new video game or anything for us, just perhaps a new piece of lingerie and some lovin'.

Nick Sidwell said...

I agree with Sorro but I have to put my plug in against feminism. Feminist nazis are still hard at work to make men out to be idiots and show that women are better. Ever seen a tv show where the woman is the idiot and the guy saves the day? Only Spiderman! And even then he was only cool because he was beyond average male strengths- superhuman. Watch the show Enchanted and pay close attention to the ending- feminists are hard at work...You know what I say? Let us both be powerful and lift each other or both idiots. The truth is, we already are both of those and if tv shows showed that it would be a reality show without editing. Who would want to watch that? Me, that's who.

Anyway, guess what sarah got me for Valentines? A trip to an Aikido seminar in Arizona on the 22 of Feb. Wanna go too? let me know There is also the Matsuri thing going on down there that weekend- should be fun...

Tiecen said...

In SD, Valentine's Day is generally accepted as a holiday who's focus is solely on the women. Men get their own holiday on March 23rd called Steak and Nobber Day. I'm a good girl so I can't tell you what this day entails but I'm sure you can figure it out. I'm not sure if the rest of the country celebrates this or not but it's a big deal here (so are alcohol, strip clubs and PRIDE). I love this town! No, seriously, I do. But not because of that stuff.