Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Why I Love the Gov'ment, episode 2

So I got another gem for you:

As HR guy I am told by the government not to ask job candidates or employees about race, gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnic background, religion, etc., as those things are unrelated to job performance. Yet as HR guy I am also told by the government to submit an annual EEO-1 report that lists, you guessed it, race, gender, age, etc. of each employee and job candidate.

Now how am I supposed to do that for 1600 people without asking them? Seriously, how? If I didn't know any better, I would almost think congress passes laws without considering the impact those laws will have on actual people.

It's amazing to me that, as a country, we want to forget about race, age, and other superficial differences, yet these differences are continually thrust in our faces by the people claiming to keep them away.


Anonymous said...

We should have a great day today.

Michael 聖 Brady said...

hey logan. i think it is highly important to know who is working where, so the survey you are required to submit makes sense. however, of course, there should be no discrimination based on those stats.

speaking of contradictory laws, ever been to russia? me neither. but they have so many of them, the average citizens are forced to break any number of laws every day. that is one way corruption has such a stronghold, because those who participate simply claim what the average working joe claims, which is "i am forced to break one law or the other, so ___ is the law i chose to break."

so says my friend pavel alexeev of novosibirsk (new siberia).

thank you; come again!

themickel said...

Mike - It's good to hear that our government has a lot in common with a collapsed communist empire.