Friday, April 21, 2006

The First Blogger Stallion Award

Almost forgot. This weeks "Blogging Stallion Award" goes to Cheeth, for the numerous pictures and fine account he gave of his trip. Granted, Sorro posted and wrote a lot more, but unfortunately we're only counting last week (see previous posting for explanation on why this week doesn't count) and Cheeth is the winner.

I would like to give Sorro props for the Urinal Quiz though. Loads of fun. I only missed one.

While the recipient of the Blogging Stallion Award doesn't get $20 (as has been rumored), they do have the thrill of knowing that the above picture is dedicated to them. They also recieve a complementary bowl of mugi, which is only redeemable in Cedar City.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.