Monday, April 25, 2005

RANT- Taking your anger out on the counter-lady

As I was sitting in my aforementioned stupor at the Las Vegas airport, I heard a ruckus at the gate next to me. This beautiful pic is of a man yelling at the Delta lady unfortunately stationed at said gate. Either his luggage got lost, his flight delayed, or, most probably, he is not happy with what he has become in life and is jumps at any opportunity to vent it on someone. You've seen people like this: chewing out waitresses at Denny's, swearing at little league umpires, raging at airport desk clerks. As if somehow it's that person's fault your steak is undercooked, your kid is an uncoordinated gimp, or they can alter the weather if you yell at them long enough.

Sometimes it's hard not to, I guess--like when your flight gets delayed, you're angry, there's no one else to vent it on and you know the poor desk person has to sit there and take your crap--but seriously, what good does it do? All it does is ruin someone else's day.

Anyways, I never heard this guy's reason, but he was really socking it to the poor Delta lady. Just before this picture was taken I heard him say, "I AM NOT DRUNK!!" in a defensive, angry tone that told you he probably was drunk. I apologize for the bad picture quality, but I had to turn the flash off for fear I would become the next target for his malcontent.

Flight Delay

So my flight was supposed to leave today after work. I am told that there is a delay and I will not be able to make my connection in Salt Lake (note to all travelers: sucks). My first impulse is to take my frustrations out on the poor lady behind the counter (as is customary in our society, see following RANT), but I somehow manage to harness my anger and instead use it to think up other ways of getting to Boise by 7:00AM in the morning.

Turns out my only other option is to drive to St. George (45 min. away), catch the Las Vegas shuttle (3 hours away), and catch a midnight flight from Vegas to Boise and arive just in time for 31/2 hours of sleep before attending the career fair. Having no choice, I commondere a company car, the sporty Intrepid, and make my way to St. George.

This is a pick I got of myself at the Vegas airport (it has been dramatized to give you the full effect of how I am feeling on the inside).

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Boise Trip

So I get to go to Boise tomorrow for a Career Fair at Boise State. I'm way excited; trips are just about the only time I get to eat out and watch sports on TV. Also I love to travel and it's been a while. I'm supposed to fly out of Cedar City after work tomorrow. I'll post some pics when I get back. Peace OUT.