Thursday, April 30, 2009

The What's Going Ons

The reason I haven't been blogging has nothing to do with Facebook, as many have assumed. Frankly I am offended that anyone would think this, as my disdain for Facebook is well documented. No, there are other reasons behind the not blogging, two to be precise: 1) I decided to stop blogging from work, even during lunch breaks, and 2) We've had crappy dial up internet at home that made even the simplest of internet tasks (like uploading a picture) seem like trekking across the Sahara. Only if trekking across the Sahara took longer and you got disconnected every 5 minutes.

Well, no more crappy dial up internet. We just got high speed. So here's to a glorious new era of blogging and gratuitous downloading from shady Russian mp3 sites.

Here's a quick update:

  • I am now 30. I like it.
  • We went skydiving again back in March. The second time was twice as fun as the first. More on this later.
  • Now that the Jazz are eliminated I can enjoy the playoffs without that nagging, soul-crushing feeling we call "hope". My only hope now is that Boozer is gone by October.
  • I broke my finger diving for a catch in Ultimate Frisbee. Here's a pic:

The worst part about getting hurt in Ultimate Frisbee is that it sounds so wimpy. "How'd you break your finger?" "Frisbee." [A pause accompanied with an incredulous look, then an amused snort] "It must be hard to function like a normal adult with such brittle bones, but you seem to do ok."

This seems like a good time to show my Owie Journal:

Ultimate Frisbee: it's not just for hippies anymore.

Anyways, it's good to be back.


Sarah Sidwell said...

glad you are back!! it is fun to see lily for the first time in a long while! congrats on the internet speed and of corse on the war wounds! that is some intense frisbee!

Sarah Sidwell said...

The comment above is from Sarah of course and now I must add some pats on your proverbial back. As an OT and knowing what i know about hand injuries, I sincerely hope you had the finger break looked at and set properly. I once knew this guy who dislocated his pinky and now he has a gimpy pinky that doesn't straighten all the way. he is like a deformed and grotesque mutant who lives in exile in the mountains somewhere in Cedar city. Anyway, hope you don't become like him- fix your finger. Secondly, way to live life on the edge! Crashing and scrapes are cool because chick dig them and you can tell cool stories. Even your frisbee finger could be a cool story. Just punch whoever asks about it right in the teeth and then say, "Now you know how it happened!" The invite them to play sometime.

I wish I had cool scars from recent escapades... My nipple did get twisted the other day at Hapkido class. Remind me and I will show you at the Lake.

Nichole said...

Amy, I can't believe you have a cellphone and high speed internet! The world must be ending!! Miss you.