Tuesday, July 14, 2009

If you ever need a lawyer, be sure he isn't a fat one

I had to fill out a character reference form today for a friend who is applying to become a lawyer. It was in the form of a letter sent by a law firm representing the Maryland Bar Association.

3 things stuck out to me as I filled this thing out:

  1. People still use mail?
  2. Question number 2 read something like:

Have you seen anything in the conduct of this individual that would hint at unethical or dishonest character?

This is great because I love the irony in an organization whose members (a good portion of them anyway) make frequent practice of bending, dodging, and exploiting laws on behalf of clients they often know are guilty just to make some money somehow being concerned if I've ever seen this guy make up a lie to a girl he was dating or swipe a roommate's box of Pop-Tarts. Because those things would be unacceptable.

3. The last question:

"Would you recommend this person to the bar based on what you know of their ethics, principles, work ethic, and fitness?"

That's right, "fitness" is apparently part of the criteria for admittance to the bar. The cover letter also mentioned as much. I had a brief ethical dilemma with this one--for while he was principled and honest when I knew him, I hadn't seen him in 3 years and wasn't sure how fat he had become in that time. I mean, I would hate to answer "Yes", only to have my friend fail miserably in the Bar Association Obstacle Course (which I assume is the final step to becoming a lawyer), much less expose the good people of Maryland to a chubby, slow moving litigator with high cholesterol.

I answered yes though, and have my fingers crossed.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

A shocking revelation...

I just found out a song I heard on the radio and liked is by the Jonas Brothers.

This is almost as bad as the time we had a mixup with our special order shirts and I found out I had been wearing a women's polo to the company conference the entire day.

Ah, to heck with it. I'm married. I don't have to be cool anymore.