Sunday, July 09, 2006

The eagle has landed.

Well, the baby has landed, I guess. And she didn't really land, it was more of a gory spurt followed by the emergence of a wrinkled, purple mini-person who was promptly placed under a heater. At any rate, the baby is here.

What can I say about it? I love being a dad already. Most fun I've ever had. The actual birth went very smoothly and Amy did great. It was also very cool to watch, which surprised me as I cringe at the sight of needles. The baby is wonderful with a full head of dark hair (we're both blonde so it's kind of weird), and all she does is eat and sleep. Mostly sleep. She's awesome.

We named her Katie Hart, though "The Yellow Dart" is still on the table as a nickname. I'll get some pictures up sometime.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Still nothin'

So it turns out due dates are about as reliable as the 10-Day forecast. That's something else they don't tell you your first time. Or maybe they did and I was too busy trying to understand what the difference between the uterine wall and the placenta is.

This is definitely the week though. It looks like Friday.

It's a busy week for us; July 1st is our anniversary, July 3rd is Amy's B-Day, July 4th is July 4th. On top of all that, I just found out that my grandmother passed away and July 5th is the funeral. Interesting variety of activities this week.

At least I don't have Mono...

Speaking of Mono, here's my favorite viral video of the week: "Superfriends: Wazzup" Can't leave without a video.