Monday, March 13, 2006

My job is awesome

So I just got off the phone with a United States Congressman who gave me a reference on an applicant who has won an Emmy, was nominated for an Oscar, and now wants to sell insurance. Why does the guy want to sell insurance after a career like that, you may ask? I have no idea.

My job is awesome. Unfortunately I don't blog about it much because it's confidential (That's right: Military Scientist, F.B.I. Agent, Spy...Human Resource guy. It's right up there). Basically I do the interviewing, recruiting, employee relations, and exit interviews for a mid-sized insurance brokerage.

Although I can't write about specific interview experiences, I can give a vague, ambiguous list that gives an idea of a typical day at work. Here you go.

5 Pet Peeves about being a recruiter:

  1. People who show up 15 minutes early for an interview, thinking it will show that they are a "go-getter". It doesn't. It shows that you have little sense of time management.
  2. References. If you warn another employer about a potential bad hire, the job applicant can sue you for slander. If you don't warn that employer about a potential bad hire, they can sue you for negligence. This is fair? This makes sense? In America, yes.
  3. The "Oh yeah, I can do that" mentality. Someone applies for a job in computer programming. Their past experience has been in retail and fast food. Upon bringing up this discrepancy they claim: "Yeah, but I'm a fast learner. I'm pretty sure I could pick that up." Come now. There's a reason certain jobs require a 4-year degree.
  4. Akin to number 3, I call this the "Oh crap, I'm about to graduate and I have no idea what I want to do with my life" mentality. This is when a college senior realizes they are about to be thrust out into the real world so they apply for every job they can find. Here's how that conversation usually goes:

ME: "So, what's your major?"

THEM: "Communications with a minor in Sports Nutrition."

ME: "Really? So what made you apply for a job in Accounting?"

THEM: "Well, I'm pretty good at that Sudoku stuff, and my mom always said I was pretty good at balancing my checkbook, so I figured it was a match. When do you want me to start?"

MY DESK: BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! (The sound of my head repeatedly slamming into it)

Can't be too hard on them though, I did the same thing...

And, number 5: The Gov'ment. What's the government's answer for any problem? Pass more laws. If there's a problem in society try to suffocate it in a veritable deluge of paperwork, files, forms, reports and other bureaucratic rubbish. I could go on but my breaks are only so long. And I'm trying not to be a complainer. Guess this post kind of blew that. Oh well...